When I first started searching for a condo in Scottsdale it was the early stages of COVID and I wasn’t yet 100% committed to purchasing. Darrell didn’t hesitate, however, to help me by going on a couple video tours. And I have to say, he always made them interesting to watch with his humor, or whistling a tune while strolling through the surrounding community property. We finally got serious in September and went out to Phoenix and toured a few units in person. Unfortunately, we didn’t find that right one while there, but Darrell was determined to help me find what I was looking for even when I was ready to give up. It was through his determination to find me something that we did! We made an offer in October and closed in November. Darrell was there for me throughout all the paperwork, the bumps leading up to close (lender related) and is still there for me post-close helping with contractors. Not being local, it’s comforting to have an agent so dedicated to his clients. Thank you Darrell for always having a smile on your face, embracing the Can-Do attitude, and being someone we can trust.